Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar invited applications in prescribed format from the
eligible candidates for appearing in the competitive entrance examination to be held on 25/06/2016 at Pusa (Bihar) for admission to MBA
Agribusiness Management) and Ph. D. Programme in Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Economics, Agronomy, Entomology, Extension
Education, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology and Soil Science for the academics session 2016-17.
The competitive exam for admission to Masters Degree Programme in Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Statistics, Agricultural
Biotechnology, Entomology, Extension Education, Horticulture(Vegetable Science), Nematology, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Plant Physiology,
Processing & Food Engineering, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Soil and Water Engineering, Home Science Extension Education & Communication
Management, Food & Nutrition and Family Resource Management.
Application Form: Application form and prospectus can be obtained from office of the Registrar, R.A.U., Pusa on all working days
during 11/04/2016 to 09/05/2016 on payment of requisite fee as mentioned below or by sending a Demand Draft of Punjab National Bank to
be drawn in favour of the Comptroller, RAU, Pusa, payable at RAU, Pusa Branch.
The application form and prospectus can also be down loaded from the university web site http://www.pusavarsity.org.in
Application Fee:
| Programme | For SC/ST Candidates | For others |
MBA(Agribusiness Management) | Rs. 400/- | Rs.800/- |
Masters Degree Programme | Rs. 300/- | Rs. 600/- |
Doctoral Degree Programme | RS. 400/- | Rs. 800/- |
Last Date to Apply: 16/05/2016
How to Apply: Duly filled-in in application form along with enclosures and requisite fee (if down
loaded from website) be sent through registered post/speed post only to the Officer of the Register,
Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa-848 125, Dist-Samastipur, Bihar so as to reach before 16/05/2016.
For More Details Visit: http://www.pusavarsity.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Adm_Notice_PG_2016.pdf
Source : http://www.pusavarsity.org.in