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Agri University News: Training Course on Sprinkler and Drip Irrigation at PAU.

Ludhiana: the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) organized the deliberations on water resource management for sustainable agriculture, cultivation of vegetables and use of fertilizers in drip irrigation system marked the commencement of three-day training course on “Drip Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation and Poly-houses”.

The soil conservation officers and horticulture development officers are participating in the course. Experts also dwelt on water requirement and irrigation scheduling for fruit and vegetable crops, using drip irrigation system.

The information about construction of shade nets or poly net houses for cultivation of vegetables, design and construction of poly houses, introduction of soilless cultivation in protected structures and designs and layout of drip and sprinkler irrigation systems would also give to the trainees by the soil and water engineering experts of PAU, said Dr R.S. Sidhu, Director of Extension Education, Divulging course contours.

He added that experts would discuss on the topics such as successful cultivation of vegetables using low tunnel technology, and field problems and remedial measures in micro irrigation system.

The course coordinators are the experts namely Dr T.S. Riar and Dr Kulvir Kaur, whereas the technically coordinators of the course are Dr Rakesh Sharda and Dr Nilesh Bilawker.

Source:Punjab Agricultural University (PAU)

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