Senior Research Fellow Vacancy in G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and technology
Applications are invited for the post of one senior research fellow (SRF) on a consolidated fellowship in ICAR-NASF project “Study of domestication traits of two weed species”. The post is tenable up to March 31, 2016 or till the completion of the project, whichever is earlier. The appointment shall be given up to the tenure of the project. The post is reserved for OBC candidates as per university rules.
Essential Qualifications
M.Sc./ M.Sc. (Ag) in Plant Physiology/ Crop Physiology/Botany with specialization in Plant Physiology. Candidates must have NET qualification. Work experience in field conditions is desirable. The candidate should be ready to travel anywhere in Uttarakhand/UP for sample collection from farmers’ fields.
Applications should be submitted in plain paper in the following format to the undersigned latest by 15.01. 2016. The interview will be held on 21.01.2016 at 11.00 am in the Department of Plant Physiology. No separate letter for the purpose of interview will be issued and no TA/DA will be paid for the purpose of attending interview.
1. Name of the post
2. Name of the applicant in block letters
3. (Student of GBPUAT should give Id no.)
4. Category (General/ SC/ST/ OBC etc)
5. Sex
6. Permanent address
7. Address for Correspondence with email and contact no.
8. Date of Birth
9. Educational qualifications:
10. Details of publications and techniques known
11. Name of the last employer if any
12. Names and addresses of two referees (along with telephone no and e -mail id)
13. Any other relevant information
Source: G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology