10 Days Course at College of Agriculture Raipur
Course Title - Beneficial Microbes for Sustainable Agricultural Production
CG State University IGKV, Raipur that ICAR approved the short course on "Beneficial Microbes for Sustainable Agricultural Production". The short course is fully funded by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. This National level training program will be organized by Department of Agri Microbiology of this Vishwavidyalaya for Indian Scientists/ Teaching Faculties/ Extension Faculties of different Universities and Institutes in the month of October (from 5-14), 2015 for a period of 10 days. Applicants who are actively engaged in research, teaching and technology demonstration in the area of agricultural microbiology and other relevant agricultural and horticultural fields are eligible to participate. The faculty up-gradation cum refreshing course will deal with different aspects of crop beneficial microbes along with hands on training. The ten days short course mainly covers following aspects.
• Isolation and identification of stress tolerant isolates of crop beneficial microbes.
• Role of microbes in recycling of crop residues and other organic wastes
• Beneficial microbes in INM/Organic Farming for nutrient mobilization.
• Production technologies of different bio-inoculants (biofertilizers and biopesticides).
• Significance of endophytes and other microbes responsible for mitigation of abiotic and biotic stresses in crop plants
• Use of fermentation technology for mass production of crop beneficial microbes
• Significance of mushroom fungi and its enzymatic activities on cellulose degradation.
• Genetic characterization of microbes related to biofertilizers and biopesticides
• VAM quantification in soil /plant roots and its significance for increasing use efficiency of water and immobile plant nutrients
• Biodegradation of water pollutants for enhancing fish production.
The faculties of the organizing department of this university (www.igau.edu.in/DoAgMb.htm) are fully expertise in different aspects of Agril. Microbiology Laboratories of this department including mass production unit of beneficial microbes are fully equipped with advance instruments and also has strong backup support from RHR Research Laboratory : A lab which provides us international level facilities including molecular level characterization of beneficial microbes. The total number of participants will be restricted to 25. Interested candidates may apply online through the website http://www.iasri.res.in/cbp. The selected candidates will be provided TA, free registration, free boarding and lodging facilities. This program will certainly helpful for HRD for Chhattisgarh and other States who are interested towards INM/ Organic Farming. The Course Director of this training program is Dr. S.B. Gupta, Prof & Head, Department of Agril. Microbiology where as Dr. Tapas Chowdhury & Dr. Ravindra Soni are course coordinators.
Source : http://www.igau.edu.in/