Indian Agriculture College and Indian Agriculture University News.

Training Course on "Eco-friendly Management of Insect"

Date: 1-8 November, 2017
Venue : Junagadh Agriculture University

About model Training Course:
In the last century,the farmers have added one more weapon to their armory to use against the pest ,i.e. the use of chemical pesticides. However, indiscriminate use of agriculture chemicals has resulted in problems os pest resurgence, development of resistance in pests and residue hazards in food. It has been seen that bio-pestisidesare still under developed and under utilized in most developing countries due to technical, social and institutional constraints. Bio-alternatives occupy only 1-2 % of the total crop protection market, mostly concentrated on the sales of bio pesticides. Factors limiting the use of bio-alternatives include availability and accessibility, development and proper application, promotion, marketing and policy aspects, thus it is prime need to know the importance of achieving sustainable agriculture through the use of eco-friendly pest management techniques.

Model training course is exclusively for the officials /field functionaries of states development departments viz., Agriculture/Horticulture/Plant Protection/Extension and KVK scientists of ICAR/SAUS.

No of Participants: 20

How to apply : Application for participation in the MTC may be made in the prescribed format as given at
Applicants may send an advance copy through email at winbiocon [at]

Important Date:
Last date for receipt of the application : 20/10/2017
Intimation of selection: 22/10/2017
Participation confirmation 24/10/2017

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