Indian Agriculture College and Indian Agriculture University News.

Agri University: Free online agriculture course of two months by ICRISAT

The National Virtual Academy for Indian Agriculture will launch two month free an online course on diseases of horticultural crops and their management in collaboration with the International Crops Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, and the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

This course durations is from 30/11/2015-29/1/2016. It is an initiative by a team of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in agriculture and educators from the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and its partners together with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay.

Dr Sumanthkumar, Scientist - ICT for Development, ICRISAT said that the course materials have been methodically planned and prepared by highly experienced team of educators and professors in the agricultural field, who have devoted their time and effort to educate the Indian masses on sustainable agriculture practices.

The Part-II course will cover distribution, symptoms, causes, disease cycles and management of diseases of important horticultural crops and their economic importance. The course can be used as a supplementary study material at the universities in the current semester where "Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their Management" course is being offered, said an official statement from ICRISAT.

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